
Introduction to Raspberry Pi pico

oliviaturnerOliviaturner wrote 09/21/2021 at 06:31 • 6 min read • Like


        Raspberry Pi pico including what hardware, you should buy. How to install the operating system and then some initial steps once the operating system has been installed. Raspberry Pi pico has a little price. Second, it size is very small that can be easily lumps into a CPU display or television. It is also usages a normal mouse and keyboard. Raspberry Pi pico is a adept tiny devices that permits users of very age to discover adding.

What is Raspberry Pi pico?:

           The raspberry pi name has been synonymous with many computers like the raspberry pi 4 and the raspberry pi zero but the pi pico isn't a standard computer like that at all so what is it that makes a pi pico different. Well it's a microcontroller, actually to be more specific this is the microcontroller the rp2040 a custom-made raspberry pi pico microcontroller chip and all the extra stuff around. It is to make the chip easier to program and use to fill you in a microcontroller is a chip that can be used to interface with other electronic devices like motors, lights or other sensors and then it can execute a specific set of tasks to control those electronic devices tinker nut couldn't. So, I hope you have understood by now what is raspberry pi pico? Now let's have a look at its pinout:


  Raspberry Pi pico input/ output pins:

        you do that with the other raspberry pi input output pins for the most parts but in order to use those pins you would have to wait for the pi to boot load an interface load the script and then finally you would be able to use it but that takes up several minutes and lots of unnecessary power for other things that you'll never need but with the micro controller you can load a program onto it and when it boots up it immediately starts executing that code no unnecessary programs or operating systems to go through and it can run on a pair of double-a batteries it sounds a lot like a product that's already been on the market for a while arduino. An arduino is a good comparison to what the pi pico is and if you're a microcontroller enthusiast there's also the expressive line of microcontrollers.


How a raspberry pi pico is not like an arduino?:

How a raspberry pi is not like an arduino and should not be confused with an arduino. 

How to use Raspberry Pi pico?:

       How to use it a great feature about the raspberry pi pico is how easy it is to get started with it especially using micropython all you have to do is:

C:\Users\m\Desktop\download (3).jpg

How to download the Micro Python Bootloader for Pico?:

Storage of Raspberry pi pico:

         The pico has two megabytes of storage to save your programs to so you can name it whatever you want but make sure it ends in the dot pi extension otherwise the pico is not going to know, how to read it once it's saved you'll see the output and the shell portion of the window if you were to hit the run button again you'll see the output again now you can start expanding your python code and write more complex examples and then save them and run them on your pico so the cool thing about this is the files are stored on the pico itself so if you were to take this off your computer and load it up on somebody else's computer all your files would still be there but the appeal of a microcontroller isn't just a store code on it it's being able to control other electronic devices.

Create a file (Programming):

         Let's create a new file and to get started let's import a couple of libraries the machine library and the u-time library:

       Pause again for another three seconds and then since this is in our loop it will continue indefinitely. Now let's click run and save to our pico as blink dot pi and when the pico reboots the on board leds start blinking.  

C:\Users\m\Desktop\download (2).jpg

