Making molds - suggestions on where to start

Oscarv wrote 08/18/2015 at 13:12 3 points

Hi, for my next project (boring perhaps - replica of old computer) I would like to make a custom frame. 

The picture below kind of defines my question: if I would plan to make 250 units of the white plastic frame in the picture, what technology should I be going for? 

Probably not 3D printing (too big in size and # of units). Not injection molding (too low volume and not rich enough). Using a CNC router? Using a home-brew molding approach? I read up on modeling clay, for instance, but have no experience with anything like that.BTW - the question does not involve the cat in any way, cute as it is. Just the plastic frame around the front panel. 

Grateful for any leads from practitioners! 

Regards, Oscar.