
I don't phone or Zoom because..

david-matthew-mooneyDavid Matthew Mooney wrote 11/16/2022 at 02:05 • 1 min read • Like

I believe these modes of communication can be deepfaked.

(Note added much later: Recently, clandestine "voice cloning" by AI was outlawed in the USA, so I feel vindicated.)

In addition, I run privacy tests.

My strategy is still evolving for using public transit, where anyone could film me at close range and then deepfake me into Mr. MXYZPTLK in a flannel shirt flying down the aisle. 

Recently, I said "Get outa here!" on the bus to an incoherent person slumping sideways into me. His ears were covered in a thick knit cap so that you could not tell if he had earphones on for taking radioed instructions from a covert director behind a covert camera. You gotta think of these things, and not act the corrupt capitalist oppressor for someone's propaganda offensive.

