
How to Install WireGuard in Forlinx Desktop Image on RK3588 Platform?

forlinx-embeddedforlinx embedded wrote 02/02/2024 at 01:37 • 3 min read • Like

Install Wire Guard in the RK3588 Forlinx Desktop image

Solution: Mount the Forlinx Desktop image file into the development environment for installation.

(1) Download qemu-user-static in the development environment

sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static

(2) Mount the img image of Forlinx Desktop to a directory, I have mounted it to the test directory.

sudo mount focal-rootfs.img test/

(3) Use the chroot command to enter the test directory

sudo chroot test/

(4) Install WireGuard

apt-get install wireguard-dkms wireguard-tools wireguard

Solutions that cannot be used after installation:

To add the TUN and WireGuard options to the kernel, proceed as follows:

1. Modify the build. Sh in the SDK to add the $KMAKE menu config;

Modify the build. Sh in the SDK

2. Execute. /, search for TUN and wireguard in the graphical configuration interface and check them off;

How to Install WireGuard in Forlinx Desktop Image on RK3588 Platform

How to Install WireGuard in Forlinx Desktop Image on RK3588 Platform

How to Install WireGuard in Forlinx Desktop Image on RK3588 Platform

How to Install WireGuard in Forlinx Desktop Image on RK3588 Platform

Save and Exit.

How to Install WireGuard in Forlinx Desktop Image on RK3588 Platform

3. Overwrite OK3588-Linux _ defconfig with.config

cp kernel/.config kernel/arch/arm64/configs/OK3588-Linux_defconfig;

4. Re-flash the image;

5. Set the IP.

How to Install WireGuard in Forlinx Desktop Image on RK3588 Platform

How to Install WireGuard in Forlinx Desktop Image on RK3588 Platform

