[rant] The Third World

Greg Kennedy wrote 11/04/2016 at 16:51 1 point

What, exactly, does "the third world" look like?

I suspect a large number of people are still working under the assumption that it's a bunch of darkskinned people in Africa living in huts and using stone tools to farm dust, fueled by TV narratives of the 80s and reinforced by parents telling us "eat your veggies, there's starving children who would die for these" when we were growing up.

I don't think the world looks like that any more - at least, it perhaps does in very localized areas, but not as a rule - and for some reason it pisses me off to NO END when people, say, make a 5v windgenerator out of e-waste and say "well the third world can use it to light their homes"?  MOST AFRICANS HAVE CELLPHONES.  They don't need handcranks to charge batteries, they need a government that builds roads instead of funneling food to warlords.

I guess my point is that I don't know, exactly, what people in the third world need... but I think a lot of other people are more delusional than me about it.  So when I see projects with no personal utility, and so marked as being "for poor people" or whatever... I am just thinking, they don't want your junk any more than you do.  You're not doing them any favors.