

morningstarMorning.Star wrote 03/08/2017 at 20:46 • 4 min read • Like

I'm not actually a professor, I'd like to be clear about that. Formal qualifications in the arts and sciences have never been my thing, and I've been a caregiver for close to 20 years alone and unassisted. I hardly had time to get more than vocational certifications for teaching IT and my career was over...

It has allowed me time to think, time to research and play in my secret laboratory though, and you have seen the results. I have a unique mind, Projection Synaesthesia is named because the individual's mind literally projects onto the world, and changes it. Pervades all aspects of their lives. It is as much a curse as a gift, for those who offer me nothing but envy, or worse.

I do love how I can project myself into a guitar, a synth, a computer and become part of it - or it part of me - and it is the same for all the things I touch. It makes me enigmatic, I know, and shy, which is why I don't comment a lot. I'm not here for validation either, another reason for not having letters after my name.

If you want to know the reason behind the change of name, @Mark Nesselhaus and I had a good laugh about Gilligan's Island - what with me stuck on my little island here and building myself a new society from bamboo and coconuts the way I do. He called me Prof and it stuck. Meh, I dont really mind, I've been called some things in my time. Most of them unrepeatable in print, thank you to the trolls who delight in getting away with it. That is why I was delighted Mark was inspired to write a piece of 'faction' for the Cardware project which just about sums me up, but in less comedic fashion than Gilligan's.

I may joke about taking over the world with my robots, but I am kind of serious about it. I'm aware however that nobody wants a Terminator running around their homes, so I'm doing it with an army of robots that can at best give you a paper cut. Hardly threatening, I'd say. I've also watched and read enough fiction as well as fact to know that a functioning synthetic intelligence wont fit inside a single computer unless it takes up a lot of real estate and a lot of power, needs cooling, security, maintenance, administration, etc, etc.

Supercomputers can now be built from nodes like Raspberry Pi's all networked together, but you need a lot of them to do anything worthwhile. This is the theory behind the synthetic intelligence for AIMos, which will drive the hardware and talk to other nodes on the network. It is a supercomputing environment. Each node has it's own sensors and servos, maintenance, security etc, and real estate in the form of an environment to study. The system will never send video, images or personal information because it uses the AIMil language to transmit what the system knows. An AIMil program is the machine equivalent of a thought, which in the confines of an individual robot is limited to sensory and motive information. Viewed as a wider supercomputing environment with sensory and motive information flowing across it controlling that robot - all the robots - you can see why I am trying to build a synthetic intelligence this way. Safely... It is designed to play and no more. This is how a child learns, and I dont see a better way than an awful lot of 'parents' teaching my 'child' rather than myself alone.

These are lessons I have learned from the world around me, cautions because my dreams have an annoying habit of coming true if I wish that. And it's taught me to be careful what I wish for.

I do wish I could describe for you the misery caused by being stared at and talked about as if I'm public property. I'm no celebrity either you see, and dont wish to be. That would require a much larger ego than I have managed to grow after the life I've had. You wouldnt believe me if I wrote it here so I'm saving it for a book, when I'm too old for anything else.

Remember that you are my inspiration as well as my followers, my critics, pundits, friends and acquaintances. I'm an artist at heart, because I am visual. I paint the world's canvas in the colours you give me. And when I retire to write my Fun with Robots you may well be listed among the flora and fauna therein. ;-)

