
Quantum Aggregation (Information Cloud) Theory

morningstarMorning.Star wrote 04/03/2017 at 09:04 • 6 min read • Like

For Eric, who understands WTF I'm going on about.

Cloud theory derives from 100% redundancy, that is, the data describes itself in a complete set with each unit storing not only itself, but also its relation to all the others. A very basic example is Peano's series of integers, which is the basis of all our math. Because we know that any unit in this integer series is exactly one away from its nearest neighbours, not only does each unit describe itself uniquely but also describes its position uniquely in the series - information that can be used to relate it to all of the others. The universe being what it is, unitary and made of atoms that are all identical, means they sequence in aggregate to define themselves as different over time and distance. This is some evidence of my theory. Each atom, when viewed mathematically is a reactive tensor set formed of vectors that describe its relationship not only to its own parts, but to its neighbours as well. All of them. That is fundamental, because you can never take one atom in isolation. Do this, and it becomes identical to any other because it is the relationship between itself and others that defines it as being what it is at any one time.

Hydrogen for example is one electron, one neutron, one proton. But it never exists this way, it is always found as H2, or joined to something else like oxygen to make H2O. The universe exists as it does because at a fundamental level it has variety of atoms to form structures that describe the tensor sets physically. The only place where this rule doesn't apply is at the beginning of the universe, which is interesting. At this point here there were no bits in the stream, no information to contain...

After the Big Bang, the universe was a flat and featureless sea of protons neutrons and electrons distributed from our point of view equidistantly. It was also dark, there were no reactions occurring to emit light - Right before that it was a point-space with no dimension that expanded in an instant into n-space. It wasn't so much a bang as a ping... Viewed on a universal scale, this sea also wasn't so featureless. Areas within it had tiny variations in distance, the denser areas drew together over time, orbited and collided to form triplets - one proton one neutron and one electron to make elemental hydrogen. This then paired up and began to clump into increasingly hotter and denser H2 gas, the birth of the first stars. These early stars just made helium, which lit up the universe with ultraviolet and Xrays and when they died spread the helium out each in a huge explosion.

Other stars took it in and bonded it with hydrogen and itself to make the heavier elements, and in doing so emitted visible light as well as UV and Xray, repeatedly dying and spitting out fused raw materials for the rest of the elements that we have today. The process is still going on and will continue until every atom in the universe has been bonded together to make a single super-element. It will only exist as a single atom for a single quanta before flying apart again into its components, single protons neutrons and electrons. This starts the process over again, eternally it would appear.

Viewing this process as an Information System, what you have is data representation and realignment to process information, arriving at a singular result. However because an information system can never contain itself, once the unitary result has been arrived at there is nowhere to put it - so a new system is created to store it in. This process is eternal as far as I can tell, however it may be that each time around the resulting universe is slightly different - processing information using universes as unitary data elements seems to me a pretty good way of figuring out the kind of problems a god plays with.
And to me, God IS the arrangement of all the protons, neutrons, electrons. Not the atoms themselves but the tensor sets that describe them in unison across the entire universe. The architecture rather than the architect, or the church itself. A relationship that can be described as mind to brain, or perhaps a sonata written out on paper. The notes on the staves represent something virtual, if you happen to read music you hear the music in your head as the atomic structure of your brain realigns to contain the information - and it can be played on instruments which vibrate the atoms in the air, changing the tensor arrangements and thus the information they represent; the music itself. Which does not exist in physical form at any time during this process, it is entirely an ARRANGEMENT; where and when irrespective of what.

This is also the fundamental process by which your own brain supports your mind, and is the difference between what are to us, living and non-living states - whether the data represented by the physical arrangement is processing or not, or whether the music is playing or just represented. From the physical standpoint, there is no difference between living and dead other than what some refer to as the spark of life, the soul - the animus, which is literal. The universe itself is alive, and life is a spectrum that we occupy the high end of. Flux, change over time across the tensor sets that make up the atoms of our being is where life is, and is why we can never pinpoint it. It is also where our memories hide, and forms the interface between reality and perception, the mechanism by which we can experience and re-experience information.
Not that there is much difference between the two states anyway, being as they are both merely arrangements to support the information represented or perceived. What we think of as real, is in fact the hardware required to support an algorithm which is entirely virtual, and that algorithm is the reality.

Because of this, attempting to define and thus understand the universe other than completely holistically is a little pointless. A brick does not define a house, and only an idiot studies bricks alone to learn architecture... Information itself is built from discrete building blocks that mean nothing on their own, and only mean something in relation to each other. As evidence of this, y cn rmv th vwls frm wrds nd rtn th nfrmtn n thm, yet an anagram makes no sense while containing the same data. Which neatly demonstrates that it isn't the letters themselves but the sequence they come in that defines them symbolically. Information has a fundamental ceiling below which there is nothing; to represent it you have to have something to represent it with. This appears to be the reason why we have discovered nothing but the mechanism for it using the LHC and its predecessors. My guess is that both physicists and priests are wrong about the nature of the universe. One for cutting the threads of the tapestry, and one for denying their obvious existence - but they both speculate on the nature of the image while completely ignoring what it represents.

Life's processes are based on sequencing; DNA, the RNA it is made of, and the amino acids that is made from, are all sequences of identical units that only mean something in aggregation. Crystals use similar construction to form structures that interact with photons and electrons. Our entire electronic technology is a discovery of natural processes, which we've co-opted for our own use. Radio waves existed long before anyone noticed them because humans don't see in the EM spectrum. Which is a pity, because that's where most of a crystal's beauty is, as it sparks and resonates in different colours in response to the EM fields the universe generates.
It whispers secrets that civilisations before ours knew well. The early Bible states that to find God one must 'look to the rocks, and to the trees', which is pretty much echoed in all the major literary works. Humans have by now lifted enough stones and cut enough trees to know this isn't literal, God isn't on, under or even in a rock or a tree. He is between them all.



Eric Hertz wrote 04/11/2017 at 01:37 point

Mind Blown.

I may've been known to study a brick or two...

Had to print this and put it up on the bookshelf for future-reference!

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Morning.Star wrote 04/03/2017 at 09:37 point

I have since slightly revised this. To resolve the issue of the 'Bang paradox', ie how it got from point-space to n-space exceeding the speed of light by a significant margin, it makes sense that the super-elemental state isn't compact. Our universe is expanding at the same time as portions are contracting. I wonder if the resulting megamassive black hole our universe will become isnt the actual birth of the new universe inside it.

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