
Rolling Can

recycled-sculpturesRecycled Sculptures wrote 01/28/2021 at 02:47 • 2 min read • Like

This article is about the rolling can sculpture that you see in this photo:

Video - Rolling:

Video - Moving:


You will need:

- a heavy wheel,

- big motor,

- AA/AAA batteries - one, two, three or four (see what works)

Step 1: Attach Wheel

The wheel was attached to motor is a small plastic tube:

Step 2: Attach Nail

I inserted the nail inside the plastic tube:

Step 3: Punch a Hole in the Can

I punched a hole with a wood carving tool:

Step 4: Testing

Testing shows that the amount and/or the size of the batteries needs to be reduced (from two batteries to just one battery and from AA to AAA or even button cells):

