The operating system I will describe, called TinyRealTime (TRT) was originally written by Dan Henriksson and Anton Cervin (technical report). (See also Resource−Constrained Embedded Control and Computing Systems, Dan Henriksson, 2006). I extended it, by adding a realtime trace ability, flexible soft timers, a mutex construct, a system dump and a simple command shell. The context switch time is a few hundred cycles on the 8-bit Atmel Mega1284, compiled using GCC. Full documentation is at

A realtime trace facility was added to TRT to enable following which tasks are executing and which semaphores are signaled. There are also to user defined events available. The trace facility uses one port of the MCU to dump data to an oscilloscope. A simple 3-bit DAC is used to convert task number and semaphore number to two separate voltages for display. Each task number adds about 125 mV to the output, so that when task 2, for example, is executing the voltage output is 250 mV. The semaphore number is specified when you initialize a semaphore. The task number starts at zero for the null task, then each task has a number defined by the order in which the tasks were created. Either of the events may be used as a scope trigger or to display. The image shown is from the realtime trace, which gives the task number as a voltage on the top trace and the semaphore number on the bottom trace.

With 4 tasks running, it takes about 700 cycles to perfrom a context switch by signalling a semaphore (Code to test this). The actual time spent in the scheduler ISR (timer1 compare-match) is 390 cycles, plus 70 cycles to store state, plus 70 cycles to restore state equals 530 cycles to service a timer tick. The scheduling scheme is Earliest Deadline First (EDF). Our student have used the kernel for motor controllers, wireless pedometer (, ultrasonic nagigators ( and more.

The API supplied with TRT includes core real time routines:

void trtInitKernel(uint16_t idletask_stack) Sets up the kernel data structures. The parameter is the desired starck size of the idle task. For a null idle task, a stack size of 80 should be sufficient.
void trtCreateTask(void (*fun)(void*),
uint16_t stacksize,
uint32_t release, uint32_t deadline, void *args)
Identifies a function to the kernel as a thread. The parameters specify a pointer to the function, the desired stack size, the initial release time, the initial deadline time, and an abitrary data input sturcture. The release time and deadline must be updated in each task whenever trtSleepUntil is called. The task structures are statically allocated. Be sure to configure MAXNBRTASKS in the kernel file to be big enough. When created, each task initializes 35 bytes of storage for registers, but stacksize minimum is around 40 bytes. If any task stack is too small, the system will crash!
void trtTerminate(void) Terminates the running task.
uint32_t trtCurrentTime(void) Get the current global time in timer ticks.
void trtSleepUntil(uint32_t release,
uint32_t deadline)
Puts a task to sleep by making it ineligible to run until the release time. After the release time, it will run when it has the nearest deadline. Never use this function in an ISR. The (deadline) - (release time) should be greater than than the execution time of the thread between trtSleepUntil calls so that the kernel can meet all the deadlines. If you give a slow task a release time equal to it's deadline, then it has to execute in zero time to meet deadline, and nothing else can run until the slow task completes. Experiment with this test code by changing the difference in the spoiler task while watching A.0 on the scope.
uint32_t trtGetRelease(void) Gets the current release time of the running task.
uint32_t trtGetDeadline(void) Gets the current deadline time of the running task.
void trtCreateSemaphore(uint8_t semnumber,
uint8_t initval)
Creats a semaphore with identifer semnumber and initial value initval. Be sure to configure MAXNBRSEMAPHORES in the kernel file to be big enough. The identifer number is 1-based, so the first semaphore you define should be numbered 1.
void trtWait(uint8_t semnumber) Causes the running task to wait for the semaphore if it's value is zero, but coutinues execution (and decrements the semaphore) if the value is greater than zero. Never use this function in an ISR.
void trtSignal(uint8_t semnumber) Adds one to the semaphore. If another thread is waiting on the semaphore, and has a nearer deadline, a context switch will occur. You can use this function in an ISR.
uint8_t trtAccept(uint8_t semnumber) Returns the count of the specified semaphore (before it is decremented). If the semaphore has a nonzero value, the value is decremented. Your task must check the return value. This function does not block. You can use this function in an ISR. ( I added this)

It is convienent to be able to define an arbitrary number of timers. An additional module allows you to define periodic or one-shot times of 0.1 millisecond to several second durations, and to signal a TRT semaphore when the timer completes. The timer API is:

void trtInitTimer(void) Initializes timer0 to either 0.1, 1 or 10 mSec tick time as determined by the TIMERTICK macro value. Only 0.1, 1 and 10 MSec are supported. This function also sets up timer structs. The macro value MAXNBRTIMERS must be greater than or equal to the total number of timers you define. This function initializes timer0 and enables the timer0 compare-match ISR.
void trtSetTimer(uint8_t timer_number,
uint16_t period,
uint8_t mode,
uint8_t sem) {
Sets a timer denoted by timer_number. The mode can be either PERIODIC or ONESHOT. A semaphore value of zero disables signalling, otherwise a semaphore will be signalled when the timer times-out. This function does not start the timer running. Note that timer_number is one-based. The first timer used should be labeled one.
void trtStartTimer(uint8_t timer_number) Starts a timer.
void trtStopTimer(uint8_t timer_number) Stops a timer.
void trtDisableTimer(uint8_t timer_number) Disables a timer until the next time trtSetTimer is called for that timer.
uint8_t trtStatusTimer(uint8_t timer_number) Returns the status of the timer. Bit zero is run/stop (1/0), bit one is oneshot/periodic (1/0) and bit seven is enable/disable (1/0).
uint16_t trtNumPeriods(uint8_t timer_number) Returns the number of times that the timer has timed-out since it was last set.

A mutex is a binary semaphore with states LOCKED and UNLOCKED. A task can gain control of a resource by locking a mutex. The same task must unlock the mutex (unlike a semaphore which can be signaled by any task). A basic mutex facility was built on top of the existing TRT semaphores. Since a mutex is a special semaphore (and uses the semaphore signaling mechanism) , each mutex must be numbered not to conflict with another semaphore. The mutex API is:

void trtInitMutex(void) Initializes a data structure with size MAXNBRSEMAPHORES. and sets the state of each entry to UNLOCKED and the owner to NONE.
void trtCreateMutex(uint8_t mutex_number) Creats a mutex with identifer mutex_number, initial value UNLOCKED and owner to NONE. Since a mutex is a special case of a semaphore, be sure to configure MAXNBRSEMAPHORES in the kernel file to be big enough to hold all semaphores+mutexes. The semaphore identifer number is 1-based.
void trtLockMutex(uint8_t mutex_number) Locks the mutex and sets the owner to the current task.
void trtUnlockMutex(uint8_t mutex_number) Unlocks the mutex and sets the owner to NONE.
uint8_t trtQueryMutex(uint8_t mutex_number) Returns the status: LOCKED or UNLOCKED.
uint8_t trtOwnerMutex(uint8_t mutex_number) Returns a binary true if the current task is the owner.

The trace port is chosen in trtSettings.h. Defining a trace port turns on the trace facility. Commenting out the definition disables trace. You must also define the data direction register for the trace port as shown below.

// trace options
// use one port for realtime trace
// IF TRACE_PORT is undefined, then trace is turned off

You can also choose to have a semaphore number held for only a few microceconds (INSTANT_SEM) or to be held through a context switch. This means that semaphore signals which force a context switch will result in longer lasting waveforms and that you can tell when a context switch occurs as a result of a signal. Comment out one of:

//#define EXTEND_SEM
  #define INSTANT_SEM 

There are four macros which can be inserted anywhere in your code. If you disable the trace facility you must remove the macros you inserted in your code.

TRACE_EVENT_A_ON Turns on bit 7 of the trace port
TRACE_EVENT_A_OFF Turns off bit 7 of the trace port
TRACE_EVENT_B_ON Turns on bit 3 of the trace port
TRACE_EVENT_B_OFF Turns off bit 3 of the trace port

A dump facility was added to TRT to enable debugging of timing errors and stack overflows. A set of low level routines read out the status of any task, semaphore or mutex. A set of printing routines uses the low level routines to print status information to the serial port. The task number parameter in the table below refers to the lexical order in which tasks are created in the program being tested. The first user task is labeled 1.

uint8_t trtTaskState(char tsk) Returns the state of a task. 0=terminated; 1=readyQ; 2=timerQ; 3=wait Sem 1; 4=wait Sem 2; etc
uint16_t trtTaskStack(char tsk) Returns the stack pointer of a task.
uint16_t trtTaskStackBottom(char tsk) Returns the stack minimum address of a task.
uint32_t trtTaskRelease(char tsk) Returns the release time of a task in system ticks.
uint32_t trtTaskDeadline(char tsk) Returns the deadline time of a taskin system ticks.
uint16_t trtTaskStackFreeMin(char tsk) Computes and returns the minimum space left on the task stack since the task was defined. If this value reaches zero for any task, the system crashes! When created, each task initializes 35 bytes of storage for registers.
uint8_t trtSemValue(uint8_t sem) Returns the value of a semaphore.
uint8_t trtMutexOwner(uint8_t mut) Returns the owner of a mutex.
uint8_t trtMutexState(uint8_t mut) Returns the state (locked/unlocked) of a mutex.
void trtTaskDump(char tsk, char freeze_timers) If tsk is zero, prints all task information. If tsk is not zero, prints only the info for that task number.The task number, state, release time (relative to current system time), deadline time (relative to current system time), current free stack space and minimum free task space are printed. Freeze_timers can take the values FREEZE_TIMER and RUN_TIMER. Freezing the timers stops them for the duration of the print operation. This routine can use as much as 90 bytes of stack space for the calling task!
void trtSemDump(char sem, char freeze_timers) If sem is zero, prints all semaphore information. If sem is not zero, prints only the info for that semaphore number. The semaphore number and value are printed. Freeze_timers can take the values FREEZE_TIMER and RUN_TIMER. Freezing the timers stops them for the duration of the print operation. This routine can use as much as 90 bytes of stack space for the calling task!
void trtMutexDump(char mut, char freeze_timers) If mut is zero, prints all mutex information. If mut is not zero, prints only the info for that mutex number. The mutex number. owner and state are printed. Freeze_timers can take the values FREEZE_TIMER and RUN_TIMER. Freezing the timers stops them for the duration of the print operation. This routine can use as much as 90 bytes of stack space for the calling task!

Simple command shell:

A simple command shell was written as a task which can be signaled (entered) from any other task and which supplies a command-line interface to task values, semaphore values, memory contents, and i/o registers. The example assumes at buttons are connected to PINB, LEDs to PORTC, and the D0 and D1 to the uart. The trtkernel_1284_trace_dump.c kernel and trtQuery.c are required as above. Pushing button 2 or 3 will enter the shell with different IDs.

Shell commands:

g Exit command shell and run other tasks
signal_shell(char ID) When used in other tasks, this macro enters the command shell and prints the specified ID. Timers are frozen and interrupts disabled.
Example: signal_shell(4)
x Forces a RESET of the MCU and trashes the state of your program.
i ioregAddress Read an i/o register. The register address is entered in hexadecimal, with space delimiters. The address used must be the value in parenthesis in the table (see data sheet in the range 0x20 to 0xff ). The result displayed in in hex.
Example: i 23
Reads the state of the pushbuttons attached to PINB.
I ioregAddress iodata Write to an i/o register. The register address and data are entered in hexadecimal , with space delimiters. The address used must be the value in parenthesis in the table (see data sheet in the range 0x20 to 0xff ).
Example: I 28 f0
Turns on LEDs 0 to 3 attached to PORTC.
t tasknumber Gets information about a task. The first task has index 1. Information returned for eack task is:
  • state (0=terminated, 1=readyQ, 2=timeQ, 3=waiting for Sem1, 4=waiting for Sem2, etc.)
  • release time relative to current time in system ticks
  • deadline time relative to current time in system ticks
  • Current stack space available in bytes
  • Minimum stack space not used
  • Example: t 4 returns information on task 4.
    Example: t 0 returns information on all tasks.

s semaphorenumber

Gets information about a semaphore. The first semaphore has index 1. Information returned for each semaphore is the value. Example: s 4 returns information on semaphore 4.
Example: s 0 returns information on all semaphores

m memAddress

Reads SRAM. The memory address is entered in hexadecimal, with space delimiters. Addresses 0x00-0x1f are the cpu data registers, 0x20-0xff are i/o registers, and 0x100-0x10ff is actual RAM. The result displayed in in hex. You can find out where global variables are stored by opening the .map file and searching for the word common three times.
Example: m 1f
Reads cpu register 31.
M memAddress data Write to an SRAM address. The memory address and data are entered in hexadecimal , with space delimiters. Addresses 0x00-0x1f are the cpu data registers, 0x20-0xff are i/o registers, and 0x100-0x10ff is actual RAM. You can find out where global variables are stored by opening the .map file and searching for the word common three times.
Example: I 28 f0
Turns on LEDs 0 to 3 attached to PORTC.