The Inkscape file is included in the Download, So you can change this to any Logo You feel fits.... Dont Forget to give Us a Hackaday Thumbs up so we can cover our costs to keep more Case Designs Coming.
See Main page on how to cut this case for yourself. There will be a place near you that gives free seat time on a Laser cutter, get Hacktive.
Material: >3mm Ply or Acrylic [6x30cm] >Four of 3mm bolts
Element14 Logo Is on there because they were kind enough to send out a free screen. The Inkscape file is included in the Download, So you can change this to any Logo You feel fits.... Dont Forget to give Us a Hackaday Thumbs up so we can cover our costs to keep more Case Designs Coming.
Material: >3mm Ply or Acrylic [60x30cm] >Four of 3mm bolts
Inkscape starter kit page is here: I found it quite easy to use the two or three colours needed and setting tthe line width to the required size. Cheers...
I will look into what Ponoko is [:/] The laser cutter I have seat time on uses line widths to determine cuts vs etch. If Colour is another common method, sure they will be released in color too soon.
Inkscape starter kit page is here: I found it quite easy to use the two or three colours needed and setting tthe line width to the required size. Cheers...