
Quad CPU Motorola 68000 Based Computer

A homebrew computer using four Motorola 68000k CPUs.

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This is in the conceptual stages so far.

The idea is a four CPU Motorola 68000 (16/32 hybrid CPU) computer.

This is to my knowledge the only of it's kind, but there is a reason I choose four.

Each CPU is designed to have it's own purpose shown here:
CPU 1: Central Logical System, completely free for any and all programming needs.
CPU 2:I/O Logical System, In charge of all I/O as well as possible use for multi-threading.
CPU 3:Monitor Drawing System, in charge of drawing from memory graphics to either a video generator, an ASCII terminal, or a more powerful computer like the Raspi for a graphical terminal.
CPU 4:Graphics Logical System, In charge of advanced graphics calculations and being the brains behind the dumb spitting out of CPU 3. Plans for multiple text modes across CPU 3 and 4 for text, graphics, and video modes of different types.

The idea is to have one shared bank of memory that can be addressed by each CPU, so data and instruction can be shared.
  • 4 × Motorola 68000 A 32/16 bit CPU used in multiple home computers

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K.C. Lee wrote 05/02/2016 at 00:10 point

Run memory at 4x speed and each stagger their access in 4 clock phrases. Mux the heck out of the memory bus - painful in routing the tracks, but doable.

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 05/02/2016 at 00:20 point

The idea sounds nice but the practice...
Many things could go wrong...

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 05/02/2016 at 00:00 point

How do you want to implement the multi-port memory ?

IDT makes 4-port memories but the capacity is in the kiloword range only :-/

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