The Korg DW-8000 has lots of tweakableparameters, but has a 'minimalist' user interface for adjusting these. There is exactly ONE slider for this. You press two digits to identify which parameter you want the slider to control. If you want to live tweak more than one thing at a time, you are out of luck
These parameters can be controlled over MIDI, so an external control surface could be used, BUT most control surfaces send CC (Control Change) messages, whilst the DW uses a set of proprietary SYSEX messages.
This project gets the DW-8000 to respond to CC messages with a little hack...
Rather than trying to rewrite firmware or anything clever like that, this is more of a brute force hack.
What I have done is taken a cheap Arduino Nano clone and physically spliced it into the MIDI IN path just before it gets to the synth's CPU. The Nano runs a simple program which translates CC messages into the corresponding SYSEX messages that the synth understands. All other messages are just passed straight through.
That's it - the synth now does the right thing when it is sent CC messages!
great project!
I immediately had an association for implementing something similar for korg DSS-1 (according to the DSS-1 circuit diagram based on HD63B03X - installing arduino nano should not be difficult and it’s easy to implement)! All that remains is to check the MIDI implementation chart between DW8000 and DSS-1
the DSS-1 circuit diagram see there:
I installed arduino nano on EX-8000 and DSS-1 - and it turned out to be easier than it seemed when learning! Here is process of the installation to Korg DSS-1:
arduino is easier to install on the KLM-788 Jack panel. In this case, the power get near socket CN26B (pin#5 and #6) and you can break the cord of pin#2 for RX and TX connection by the MIDI connecting cord going to the main board KLM-781 CPU-II - HD63B03X.
the only thing I needed to recode was to change the device ID for DSS-1 - 0x0b, in line 34 of code