
LoRa ipv6 Mesh network

A project log for PURE modules

Simplifying development of low power wireless IoT hardware and software sensor prototypes with a modular sensor architecture

pure-engineeringPure Engineering 09/14/2016 at 07:582 Comments

We have successfully integrated LoRa with Contiki ipv6 meshing. This is a very exciting capability. A long range mesh will enable a number of great applications.


teraz wrote 11/03/2021 at 21:19 point

pine dio or meshtastic

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vineet wadhwa wrote 01/22/2017 at 07:31 point

Hi! I am very interested in LORA/IPv6 integration. I will be happy to collaborate / contribute to the project. Please see if you can share more details with me. Best Regards.

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