Hello again!
Just a quick update to report I finally have a new Ohm Mk2 prototype assembled and undergoing testing:
Apart from a few minor snags, testing of my first Ohm Mk2 prototype has been going well. As part of the test process I've ported both minimig and Next186 softcores to this board (successfully). I've also exercised the onboard ADC inputs using my FPGA scope demo.
Among the remaining tasks, I need to provide some means of a loopback test of the Ethernet port from the FPGA. Also at some later stage I will need to validate (as a minimum) USB HID capability from those ports, not merely PS/2 pass-through as has been tested thus far.. Stay tuned! :-D
Cheers, Valentin
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Cute !
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Thanks! ;-)
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Absolutely amazing. What is your final choice for RAM ? Any idea about availability ?
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Thanks! :-) My *preference* for Ohm (Ohm+ is a different board again..) is 128MB of 32-bits wide SDRAM, still have some work to do around getting cheap ram though. As for availability, that will be quite soon now (and sooner than I thought, thanks to very few errors on the all-new PCB). Testing and validation is currently on-going, so I won't be able to provide more details until that step is completed - Valentin.
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