Using a float switch, flushing my toilet will publish an event to Particle. This triggers a web hook on Losant, which updates a dashboard.
I don't know why I did this. But you could use this to get better insight into your water bill. I would not suggest this if you happen to live with other people, however.
Idea: this should be able to detect if it's taking too long to refill the tank. It should then alert, or even jiggle the handle itself (though I'm not handy with servos).
I've completed a prototype, but the following needs doing:
Modify code and/or hardware to make the switch less sensitive. Currently using an interrupt to detect a low water level; perhaps this is better done with polling.
Battery power. It's plugged into a power bank right now. The toilet is not close enough to a wall outlet to plug it in.
Given the moisture in a bathroom, the Oak will need an enclosure. Clingfilm will do the trick for now.
I have two toilets, so I need to build another one.
Data is lost upon daily reset. Modify Losant workflow to store or export it somehow.
Where's the website?