
DIY Your ReSpeaker Adapter(Voice Control)

Use voice to control everying things in your house!

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Have you heard about home automation with Amazon Echo and Raspberry Pi? In that case, you could control your home with your voice. But Amazon Echo and Rasberry Pi are too expensive.

Now we have an new idea. With Seeed Studio ReSpeaker and Wio Node, we are able to make a Voice House Control scheme with less money and without having to worry about the complexities of the human voice.

ReSpeaker is an open modular voice interface to hack things around you. Let you interact with your home appliances, your plant, your office, your internet-equipped devices or any other things in your daily life, all by your voice. It is now on KS:

In the recipe(visit my github), we will develop a voice control adapter and control it with some voice command.

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