
GEVINO opto PLC arduino zero

Your prototipe need an actualization ? Make custom project cost much ? PLC is too much expensive ? Only 41 Euro

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The GEVINO opto is certainly the least expensive of the PLCs, nevertheless it has excellent characteristics, such as 12 opto-insulated double-polarity inputs, 6 NPN 6F mosfet outputs, SD card, LIN bus to parallel multiple modules or expansions. Inductive loads, electrostatic discharges and electromagnetic disturbances are protected. It has options such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, RTC, RS232, RS485, cellular modem and CE marking.
Arduino Zero compatible
Supply, inputs, outputs 7V /30V
12 opto-isolated inputs, without polarity, with 2 common
4 Mosfet 30V 7.6A, with protection diode
1 analogue input 4-20mA / 1V / 3.3V
1 RS485 port with which to parallel up to 255 gevini, or m-bus, or other.
On the front, behind the flap:
SD card
Micro USB
Led inputs, outputs, serial, power
Reset button
Optional module Ethernet RJ45
Optional module WiFi ESP
48 Mhz, 32-bit ARM Cortex - M0+ processor.
Flash 256KB, RAM 32K

GEVINO Opto v1.2 Manual.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 511.50 kB - 06/10/2018 at 19:01



arduino sketch

ino - 1.59 kB - 04/14/2018 at 07:53


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