
Build complete but a Rev B will be required

A project log for Base Convert

Simple desk/handheld calculator to convert between hexadecimal, decimal, and binary.

leumasyerrpleumasyerrp 07/30/2018 at 01:255 Comments

After having to wait for resistor arrays since I placed the wrong footprint size on the main PCB I have finally fully assembled a Rev A.

I did run into a few quick fixes such as things I should add to the silkscreen. I also found out after much frustration that there needs to be a 1k resistor on each PNP transistor between the base and emitter otherwise 3.3V is not enough to turn off the display. I hand corrected the above but issues with the 3.3V LDO are making me consider scraping running from 4xAA anyways and sticking with 2xAA or possibly a LiPo for Rev B. I found that the voltage from the LDO is 4.1V and I suspect it has to do with adding the 1k resistor to the PNPs. I have enough to assemble 5 more so the next one will use 2xAA and skip the LDO, I will have to see if the display is bright enough.

Anyways it is nice to be able to hold the real thing instead of staring at a render in FreeCAD.


K.C. Lee wrote 07/30/2018 at 22:40 point

> I also found out after much frustration that there needs to be a 1k resistor on each PNP transistor between the base and emitter otherwise 3.3V is not enough to turn off the display. 

Look into "Digital Transistor" e.g.

It has resistors built-in and footprint compatible with regular transistors. i.e. save you a board spin.  There are different values of these resistors.  Just need to search for them.

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leumasyerrp wrote 07/30/2018 at 23:56 point

Thanks, I will be sure to check it out.

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K.C. Lee wrote 07/31/2018 at 00:03 point

Forgot to say:  Between the external series resistor that you had and the internal ones, you should be able to make voltage divider of the right ratio.

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Jarrett wrote 07/30/2018 at 20:35 point

That actually looks awesome. Nice styling.

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leumasyerrp wrote 07/30/2018 at 23:57 point


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