
m32u4's *still* backordered...

A project log for PyPPM: A Proton Precession Magnetometer for all!

A device for conducting Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments at Earth's field

bradley-worleyBradley Worley 08/10/2014 at 00:341 Comment

Well, I was hoping that the ATmega32U4's would've shipped by now, but Digikey just sent me an email to say that the ship date has been pushed back yet again!

Awesome. :P Once the chips ship, I'll order the rest of the design. And of course, I'll keep y'all posted the whole way through.


A. M. Aitken wrote 08/10/2014 at 08:05 point
How important is the multiply? I'm slightly at a loss why the code needs one. Can you use shift and add for static muls?

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