
Finally on GitHub, and it feels good

A project log for PyPPM: A Proton Precession Magnetometer for all!

A device for conducting Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments at Earth's field

bradley-worleyBradley Worley 08/16/2014 at 15:090 Comments

The PyPPM source tree (that's right, all of it!) has finally been ported from my lazy system of web-hosted tarballs to a proper GitHub repo: check it out here.

Of course, all the source code is released under the GPLv3, and all board designs are under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA. This is probably a good moment to note that everything in this project is open source, and everything used to design the project is also open source. (Went a little crazy with the formatting there...) For example, gEDA gschem and PCB were used for schematic capture and board design, and vi (a.k.a. the greatest text editor of all time, cue flame war) was used for all code. PyPPM doesn't rely on many external libraries, but those that it links against (avr-libc, libsndfile, freeglut, mesa GL, GTK+3, GNU Octave, Python, gnuplot, etc.) are also FOSS. Long story short, it's all open, so enjoy!

Now I need to start pushing all my other projects to GitHub too! ;)
