
ADC Board and/or Power Supply Issues Drum Scanner

Need help with a repair project - PLL errors in ADC board that uses Transputers. Power Supply giving lower voltage to motor.

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I have what I think is an issue with the motor drive or PCB Mains for a drum scanner. Unfortunately it won't spin the drum and when I tested the voltage it says it's underpowered 117V instead of 220-240 to run it, but even when I use a transformer and it says 223V - it still says underpowered. There is also a PLL error I get when I run the PC diagnostics test. I would try swapping the ADC boards or power supply board but these are unobtainum. All manuals are below in the files section.

A link to the error on the Eurotherm Drive can be seen here showing it's undervoltage.

A link to a teardown of a similar (but older model) machine can be seen here:

ICG adc.pdf

Service Manual for ADC board

Adobe Portable Document Format - 8.08 MB - 08/26/2018 at 20:35


icg mains .pdf

Machine controller PCB - Power Supply - Service Manual

Adobe Portable Document Format - 25.98 MB - 08/26/2018 at 20:35


icg drive 2.pdf

Mechanical Drive System Service Manual

Adobe Portable Document Format - 7.68 MB - 08/26/2018 at 20:35


icg debug test.pdf

Debug Test Service Manual

Adobe Portable Document Format - 7.40 MB - 08/26/2018 at 20:34


icg drive.pdf

Motor assembly Service Manual

Adobe Portable Document Format - 11.84 MB - 08/26/2018 at 20:34


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