• First GNURadio "recipes"

    Mechanical Advantage04/09/2019 at 07:47 0 comments

    This is my first collection of "recipes": GRC Cook Book.pdf. It has 11 entries titled:

    1) Turn a stream on or off from the GUI

    2) Multiplex or demultiplex signals

    3) Match dissimilar sample rates

    4) Shift the frequency of a signal without re-sampling or filtering

    5) Match the period of a digital symbol to a desired time period

    6) Stream data over a network

    7) Divide a section of bandwidth into multiple channels

    8) Call functions in a block

    9) Retrieve the baseband signal from an RF signal

    10) Convert a stream of bytes into a stream of bytes with values 0 or 1

    11) Prepare a stream of bytes for the Frequency Mod block