

A quadcopter that can dodge incoming objects and avoid potential collisions

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Our project, D-copter, aims to develop a quadcopter that can dodge incoming objects with minimal side-effect on the motion state.

The project is currently at the simulation phase. Our team is researching and evaluating the dodging trajectory in the Simulink Simscape based on a CAD quadcopter model. Both simulation files and CAD files will be made public.

One main challenge is to detect the incoming objects and estimate whether a collision will occur. In this paper [D. Falanga, S. Kim, D. Scaramuzza, 2019], a quadcopter that can dodge thrown balls used an event camera (dynamic vision sensor) to sample perception data. Another approach is to use 81-GHz automotive radar sensor for object detection.

  • 1 × Pixhawk PX4 Flight Controller
  • 1 × AWR1642BOOST
  • 1 × Dynamic vision sensor
  • 1 × 5000 mAh battery
  • 2 × DJI 2212 920kV brushless motor CW

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