
Creating Java file for "Button" Block

A project log for Barnabas Robotics ArduBlock Upgrade

An upgrade for ArduBlock

cecmaria23cecmaria23 06/28/2019 at 01:510 Comments

In order for the Button Block to have some functionality, I had to create a Java file for the block named and save the file under BarnabasRoboticsArdublock/ardublock-master/src/main/java/com/translator/block. 

For today, we wanted ArduBlock to output this line of code when the Button Block is added inside the loop.

void setup()
  pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP);

void loop()


My file contains the following lines:

package com.ardublock.translator.block;

import com.ardublock.translator.Translator;
import com.ardublock.translator.block.exception.SocketNullException;
import com.ardublock.translator.block.exception.SubroutineNotDeclaredException;

public class ButtonBlock extends TranslatorBlock
    public ButtonBlock(Long blockId, Translator translator, String codePrefix,    String codeSuffix, String label)
        super(blockId, translator, codePrefix, codeSuffix, label);

    public String toCode() throws SocketNullException, SubroutineNotDeclaredException
        TranslatorBlock pinBlock = this.getRequiredTranslatorBlockAtSocket(0);
    NumberBlock pinNumberBlock = (NumberBlock)pinBlock;

    String pinNumber = pinNumberBlock.toCode();
    translator.addSetupCommand("pinMode(" + pinNumber + ", INPUT_PULLUP);");
    String ret = "\n";
        return ret;


 In addition to creating a new Java file, I had to make a change to the file:

Then, compile and execute the files in Terminal, add the Button Block to the loop, and finally click "Upload to Arduino." 

The Terminal should then show the C code at the bottom of the screenshot. 

More to come! -C
