
Additional/bonus module: Turntable

A project log for PiXPi dslr camera controller

Modular and programmable DSLR camera trigger

krzysztof-krzeslakkrzysztof krzeslak 09/29/2019 at 14:490 Comments


Last week was very busy as I was working hard on preparing submission video and I thought that I would like to have some shots for this clip using turntable and as I already got driving electronics which I used in macro rig I just needed to get some mechanical design. Thankfully I found very nice design on Thingverse:

it's called StarScan and It has really really clever design, especially I liked it as it can be used with different sizes of table surfaces without replacing any part!

So i decided to give it a try I just needed to change was making legs longer as I needed to put controller under the motor, but it was quite easy, so below you can see quick demo:

                             So stay tuned and you will see this in action in project entry clip ;)

Modified files can be found in "files" part of this project page.
