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Bluetooth Module HC-05
In order for the robot to communicate with a remote control over the phone.
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MPU 9250
A high precision gyro that helped with positioning of the robots.
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L293D Motor Driver IC
Basic Motor Driver IC that can be easily wired to control two motors
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JST Connectors
Connectors bought were all pre-made and didn't require additional modifications
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Block Terminals
Helps with easy removal of wires
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Fuses 5A
As a protection for the current draw of the entire robot.
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Panel Mount Fuse Holder
This helped with quick and easy access to the robot's main power fuse.
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200 RPM Planetary Gear Motors
These motors were salvaged from spare machinery that helped reduce the cost greatly
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Arduino Mega R3
This was chosen due to its large number of digital and analog inputs and outputs
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Batteries 2200 mah
This capacity was enough for this robot. Full charge lasted and entire day of testing the robot
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To be able to view the voltage level of the battery
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Toggle Switches
Switches to control the main power from the batteries and RGB leds
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RGB Light Strip
Light was meant mostly for aesthetics
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IR Sensors
Basic IR modules
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IR Leds and Recievers
These were bought in order to bring about extensions to the existing IR sensors.
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High Current Silicone Wires
These were chosen due to their high current carrying capacity that helped cope with the problem of over heating
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We selected a high quality perfboard in order to match the looks