1Generate a printable bearing
Start by downloading and installing the script into your Fusion 360. Check here for a quick guide.
Once installed open the script and modify the following bearing's parameters inside the script:
For the assembly of the bearings follow next steps:
- 3D print bearing's two parts.
- Remove the support material
- Place a BB ball into the outer part's groove and turn the outer part looking for positions in which the ball gets stuck. Clean those positions until the ball is able to rotate freely.
- Repeat previous step in the inner part's groove, by placing a BB on it and turning the inner part. Make sure that the BB ball slides smoothly.
5. Place the inner part inside the outer part and align the holes.
6. Start inserting BBs until there is no more room left. During the process make sure to turn the bearing to detect any kind of blockage. If you encounter a blockage disassemble and check the surfaces again.
7. Finish by inserting BBs until there is no more room left.
8. Turn the bearing and see if it turns smoothly.
The disassembly process could be a little bit troublesome depending on the tolerances you used.
- Align the insertion holes.
- With a thin tool align on BB ball in a way it is below the insertion hole.
- With another thin tool push the BB ball from behind though the extraction hole.
- Repeat 2-3 steps until there are no BB balls left.
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