Or maybe just to Leipzig.
I'll add more associated assemblies as they get themselves online. We'll see where we end up.
Anyone have any other groups we should align with to improve/change/alter our placement?
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Yes, feel free to add xil.se :) https://signup.c3assemblies.de/assembly/90fb917f-35c0-4012-8b6c-fb4e86ae018b
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I bought my pre-sale ticket for 36c3 last night. Looking forward to visiting you in Leipzig!!!
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The xHain make+hackspace (that I'm a member of) and the @Stefan Kremser Chickencoop / Bingen hackerspace. Then there's the hackerspace of @arturo182 but I forgot the name.
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xil.SE https://signup.c3assemblies.de/assembly/90fb917f-35c0-4012-8b6c-fb4e86ae018b
xHain https://signup.c3assemblies.de/assembly/4754dc7a-214d-412c-93bc-c12518c596cf
I don't see the Spacehuhn gang yet
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Stefan's assemblies
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