Software for this project is never ending. I find new enhancements and features that can be added almost everyday and I am sure you guys will come up with even more. This release contains a subset of basic features to call it a ‘smart clock’?

Currently it shows the time, date, calendar, weather and to-do list. It fetches the time from a time server. The weather is fetched from weatherunderground and the to-do list from todoist. I have modified the wifimanager library for easy configuration of SSID, password, time zone, todoist and weatherunderground API keys. The configuration is saved to SPIFFS so it can persist across resets. The time is updated via partial refresh every minute and a full refresh every 5th minute to avoid ghosting.
The icons are from feathericons. The wifi symbol indicates if the device successfully connected to wifi when it had to update the weather and to-do list. This update interval is currently set to 6 hours.

It is pretty low power at the moment. Consumes under 75uA in deep-sleep mode and should run at least 30 days with update every minute. It will run much longer if updated once a day.
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