
Small Robot

This is a multipurpose robot. It is controlled via laptop. The size is suitable for monitoring the vent or any cramped places.

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Raspberry Pi is used instead of Arduino as we are driving a more complicated robot and performing multiple task. There is a camera attached to the robot. The way to control it is very simple, just by pressing the w, a, s and d button on your keyboard, like any other game. We modified the Tenda AV1000 Gigabit Powerline Adapter Kit changing it from AC supply to DC supply. The second picture shows where the 12V DC is supplied to the board. Jumper is used as a communication line and it can go as long as 300 meters. This is where the communication between the controller and the robot happens. There are two of these Tenda AV1000, one is placed on the robot and the other is connected to the laptop. The wire used to connect these two is RJ45.

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