
It Programs!

A project log for nRF52 SmartWatch

nRF52 Smartwatch from Scratch

jeff-cooperJeff Cooper 07/30/2020 at 01:480 Comments

The mk2 circuit boards are here, and I'm happy to report that the power regulation and battery charging circuits work great! With a bit of tribulation surrounding the fact that I lost my SWD programmer and had to rig one up using a raspberry pi (advice: just don't. it's a huge headache. an st-link v2 is like $10), I was able to load code onto the nrf52840. I forked Adafruit's bootloader for this chip and updated the board definition mine, here.

Unfortunately, that's about where the good news stops. I couldn't test most of the rest of the board, because I ordered the wrong footprints for the flash chip, RTC chip, and most of the diodes surrounding the epaper display... but it programs!

I'll be putting together a rev2 of the board with the following changes:

I'm also going to be redoing the layout of the github repository (and likely break it up into several subrepos), since right now it's kind of a mess.
