
Reverse Engineering Motor Signal Board Day 9 - Done!

A project log for Reviving and Reverse Engineering an Old Robot Arm

A full reverse engineering and rebuild of a Mitsubishi Movemaster robotic arm

taylor-schweizerTaylor Schweizer 06/11/2020 at 17:391 Comment

Or as done as I'll ever be. I've got all the traces finished and the layout complete. Some things still don't make too much sense, but I won't be able to figure them out until I finish the main processor board and figure out what those connections are doing. 

Next up I think I want to make a DIN 41612 extension cable so I can do some probing on the board while it is running, followed by making a smaller version of the board.

Just for fun, I thought I'd see how much this board would cost on Oshpark - $476! These boards are huge. 


Thorben T. wrote 08/13/2023 at 19:56 point

can you PLEASE upload the schematics in a resolution high enough to actually read them,
or (even better) the actual CAD files?

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