
Business model

A project log for Open assistive robotic arm for meal

An accessible robotic arm designed to help people with special feeding needs.

julien-oudinJulien OUDIN 09/29/2020 at 12:572 Comments

After the realization of several prototypes, and the positive feedback from potential users encountered during the presentations, we can say that we have a proof of concept, which consolidates us in our approach and pushes us to imagine other avenues development and distribution.

We have the support of our association, APF France handicap and obtained the financial support of the Bourgogne Franche Comté region, the Department and the CPAM of Nièvre to :

Here is our roadmap for the for the next few months. Our objectives and their deadlines will vary according to the new means and supports that we'll find.

We are aware that the provision of a finished product, respecting the regulations of medical devices, is a guarantee of increased safety and accessibility for all.

Thus, several possibilities have been imagined to generate income, allow the sustainability of the project and the development of new means:

These ideas deserve a thorough analysis and we will soon launch in November a study with the association ALTER'ACTIONS to consider different distribution possibilities and to study a relevant strategy within the framework of a social and solidarity economy approach.

Economic potential:

For thousands of potential users, there is an unmet need to be able to access a solution allowing them to regain autonomy and pleasure at the table. The needs in terms of disability compensation are increasing and aging contributes to increasing this phenomenon.

The different broadcasting and distribution models envisaged will have to take into account the current market, and certainly use new broadcasting channels in the field of disability compensation.

The technologies used, the open and collaborative approach make it possible to envisage localized design, production and associated services that generate employment.

This could be done in partnership with companies and services providing assistance through work, companies adapted in a social and solidarity approach.

It remains to study and determine the shape of the structure supporting this project to allow as many people as possible to access this aid.


stevenaughtonnsx11 wrote an hour ago point

This is wonderful, the main thing is not to stand still. If you have an idea, develop it.

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Julien OUDIN wrote 10/20/2022 at 08:00 point


We continued to develop our solution from our integrated fablab. We now have a more mature prototype but we haven't released the files yet.
We were able to carry out user tests in a meal situation.
To continue development and growth, we are thinking about setting up a dedicated team to give the project every chance. Discussions are ongoing. We haven't updated the project for a long time on Hackaday, we will do it in due time. You can follow us on facebook:, twitter : @Makergo2

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