Materials : Necessary Materials and Equipments

* Arduino Uno R3
* Adafruit Motor Shield
*HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Module Distance Sensor for Arduino
* Tower Pro SG90 RC Mini Servo Motor
* Bracket / Holder for HC-SR04
* DC Motors and Wheels
* Bovine Wheel
* Plate or something like that
* Jumper
* Battery Buckle 9V
* Battery 9V
* Glue Gun or Cable Ties
TipQuestionCommentStep 3: A Chassis and Sensor Connections
A Chassis
Attaching The Arduino To The Chassis
Connecting The Sensor To The Arduino
Step 4: Motors and Motor Shield Connections
Attaching The Motor Shield To The Ardunio
Connecting Motors To The Shield
Step 5: Programming the Robot

Step 6: For Me + What's Next ?
First of all, I would like to thank you for reading this guide ! I hope it helped you build your own robot and improved your knowledge about robotics and arduino.
I think now it's a good time to introduce myself. My name is Mert . Likes Math, Computers, Robotics and programming. I've just started a youtube channel, hoping to help people, share some of my knowledge and learn myself.
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