
Brainwaves with a 2-lead EEG

Put your head in the clouds with a NeuroSky TGAM and ESP32

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The NeuroSky TGAM module is common in toys like the MindFlex game, providing simple proprietary aggregates like "attention" and "meditation" to let players move objects. It's capable of more, and the Arduino Brain library lets you pull the proprietary values and eight separate frequency bands once per second.
I connected one of these modules to three electrodes and an ESP32 + display + battery module from TTGO, and set it up to send updates via either local websockets or an Amazon websocket gateway.
I recorded several data sessions, for things like a "coding trance", a nap, and a full night's sleep. The results are interesting, but until I figure out a proper method for data decimation I'm not going to be able to glean much useful information from it.

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DOBsby wrote 01/14/2024 at 14:25 point

Hey, sorry if this is spammy, but I'm asking these questions far and wide anywhere there might be someone who might know

How similar is the Taurus TGAM to the more popular neurosky TGAM? Does the Neurosky SDK work with it?

Is the Sicihiray Taurus TGAM equivalent to the Neurosky TGAM? I'm looking at getting the Sicihiray but the Neurosky has more online resources. If they're compatible, that's fine. I'm just concerned they're not

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