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A project log for 10x improve VL53L0x. Volts, laserPOW analog mod

collecting data on distance variation, room temp, voltage on chip, and laser power, results: laser and voltage compensate improve accuracy!

jamesdanielvjamesdanielv 01/30/2021 at 11:350 Comments

the info here includes some raw data and some loose code for monitoring distance, laser output and chip voltage, i have yet to upload the compensation methods as they are complex and i have yet to test them. it is easy to graph data and with a whole set average data and look at how samples and noise works, but there are issues of dc bias on the noise as well as gain that need to be better understood. what i can tell for sure so far is that even though regulator power can remain stable the chip itself has power spikes, and internally can compensate for noise, except when it is out of the spec range of the chip voltage.

if your having issues with one out of 100, or 1 out of 50 huge outliers it is because the chip power use is spiking (assuming laser)
