Do you know that people in many part of the world wash their clothing in a river, lake or a stream? If you are not aware, well you are about to.
In many rural areas of the world it is a common sight to see women washing their cloths in river or lake especially in areas where there is scarcity of water. This is because washing clothes require large volume of waster and fetching waster to home for washing clothes is impractical because you will need to bring large volume of waster at once or collect on a many round trips. This is very tiresome task and all the people prefer taking their cloth in a basket to the nearest river or lake to wash them. Washing cloth on river usually does not involve in using detergent but using rocks as a friction to get rid of the dirt. When you wash cloth with river water you do not know what the upstream water is bringing with it. Usually there are many harmful bacteria and parasites come with the water and as you expose your cloth to that water when washing you are putting yourself at risk. When you are washing you are also putting the river at risk because clothes release microfibers by billions when washed and also you are exposing the river additional harmful waste from your dirty clothes
This is direct negative impact to the aquatic ecosystem and community who relay on the river for survival.

This project is about building a new kind of cloth hand washing tank for peoples who wash their cloth in a river that filter the raw water and prevent the waste micro particles entering in to the river. This is done by creating a full opening in the two opposite side of the standard rectangular hand washing tank and installing filters on each opening that can sort micro fibers and similar sized micro particles just like the wash bag in washing machine to sort micro fiber like guppy friend and moorland rider pet wear wash bag. The filters have a key structures that is used in assemble and disassemble at will at the bottom and top side. When washing your cloth on a river using this tank you must place the side that have filter in parallel way so that the first filter can block the incoming bacteria or parasite and allow cleaner water protecting your clothes. The second filter act as filtration system from exposing the river micro fibers and other harmful waste coming out of the washed cloth. The filters can be later cleaned on land far from the river and disposed on some bin.