
Queen Anne's Revenge Replica

A model of the famous pirate ship of Edward Teach, aka Blackbeard.

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While not a tradition hack, I plan on building this model ship from scratch and not from a kit. So I suspect I will need to hack a lot of random things in order to create all the parts for the ship. I also would like to make it an remote controlled so I can take it out and drive it around.

Interesting the Queen Anne's Revenge has been found and is currently being uncovered and preserved. The ship has been found off the coast of North Carolina and is surprisingly only 22 feet below water. If you want to learn more about it check out this website.

And this site was working with the previous to create

I am planning to build a replica of the real ship and not one based on any of the fictional versions. This will take a long time and honestly I dont even know if I will be able to finish it. But it should be fun ride though.

  • More useful information

    jupdyke11/07/2016 at 00:56 0 comments

    In my searching I found a build log for someone else who build a replica of the pirate ship. A ton of useful information stored in here.

  • Research

    jupdyke11/06/2016 at 01:30 0 comments

    Hello all.

    This is beginning. And as all project start...research. So I started searching the internet for details about the original Queen Anne's Revenge. I also started looking at how model ships were built. I found two great websites which have details about the real ship. There are links in the project description.

    As for how to build model ships there is a great community of people on the web. I found this pdf which gives a of details.

    My first thought is to use the laser cutter to cut the keel of and planks of the ship. I need to decide on a scale for the ship and start to work on a 3d model of the skeleton of the ship.

    There are 3 styles of construction for model ships.

    1. Solid Body - Carved from block of wood. Least accurate but simplest method. Doesn't sounds like something I could brag about.

    2. Plank on Bulkhead - This is similar to how the real ship was made, but abridged. This sounds more like something worth bragging about, but honestly, still not good enough.

    3. Plank on Frame - This is replica of how the real ship was made, only on a smaller scale. This is what I am planning on building. This is the most complex method, but also the most brag worthy. Go big or go home right.


    Sounds like 1:48 scale is fairly common for model ships. This makes 1 foot equal to 1/4". Seems reasonable to me.

    "In most warships, the spacing between each frame was equal to the width of the frame itself. This is called room-and-space. Thus, a ¼” frame would have a ¼” space next to it, followed by another ¼” frame, and so forth. " - ScratchBuildingaModelShipgene.pdf

    My research shows that Bass wood seems to be the way to go. So I am going to work on getting some sheets of 1/4" basswood.

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