
Hand held cloud

small prompt cloud you can carry with you that responds to music you stream. Better when you play rain&lightning tracks.

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Here is a small project of umbrella cloud.
All you need is:
- impact Umbrella - White Translucent
- Polyester Fiber fill for pillows
- bunch of leds, I used ws2813 144leds per meter. about 200 leds for this project
- esp32 board
- usb male for powering from power bank
- and 3.5 mm jack for speakers
Connection is easy, look at scheme. Gluing leds and fiber on an umbrella is catching, but it took couple hours.
couple words about the code:
- at start it makes a BT connection
- after connection it sends all sound to internal DAC (pins 25/26) I've connected JBL Clip 2, sound is a bit quiter than connecting directly but for the effect should do.
- other code sampling incoming sound periodically, performs FFT and gets the main freq. If it lower than 8kHz than it takes this freq as coeficient to do some randomization on segment and led quantity, and brightness.
only problem not working with IOS


How it looks

MPEG-4 Video - 5.02 MB - 07/05/2021 at 11:11



How it looks 2

MPEG-4 Video - 3.56 MB - 07/05/2021 at 11:11


  • 1 × - impact Umbrella - White Translucent
  • 1 × - Polyester Fiber fill for pillows
  • 1 × - bunch of leds, I used ws2813 144leds per meter. about 200 leds for this project
  • 1 × - esp32 board
  • 1 × - usb male for powering from power bank

View all 6 components

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