
SubLEq Revisted

I have some unfinished business!

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SubLEq Revised

Recently there has been a pick up in interest in SubLEq.
I don't know why, it is a horrible CPU concept!
But with a few years of experience with CPUs perhaps I can do better than last time.

So how about a practically useless 4-bit version that can count (and not much else).


This time I will teach myself LogiSim.



Basically I am using SubLEq to teach myself LogiSim.

Is it even possible to get anything useful out of a 4 bit SubLEq.

Actually, yes I can get a 4 bit counter working in LogiSim.

74XXX Libraries

You will need some external 74XXX libraries. I used 74xx Libary.circ ( and logi7400ic.circ ( Did not find a library that was complete.

I found and error in logi7400ic.circ for the 74161. The clock input was inverted. I modified my version of the library to fix it. Taking down this error took many hours.

From Concept to Working Simulation

I am impressed, about 15 hours over three days as a LogiSim novice.


LogiSim encourages the user to design your circuits hierarchically. Both with "bit width" and sub-circuits. As SubLEq is difficult to understand this is a good approach.

Programming SubLEq

Here is the binary counting program I am trying to implement:

Address A B C

0 0 1 3 Z = 0
P = 1
3 1 0 6 Z = -1
6 0 F 9 B = B + 1
9 0 0 3 Z = 0
C 0 0 0

F 0


Usually address -1 or in the case 0xF serves as Input/Output or output in this case.

Note: A write to the I/O address also write the value to memory.

SubLEq has only one instruction:

  1. Mem[B] = Mem[B] - Mem[A] and  jump to C if the result is Less or Equal to zero.

Decoding the Binary Counter Program

Address Comment

0             0,1,3 ;Set up Z (=0) and P (=1)

Usually this is written:

0            0 1 ?    ( ? means the very next address)

3            1 0 ?    ( 1 is the count increment, set Z = -1 )

6            0 F ?   ( Increment the output address 0xF )

9            0 0 3   ( Reset Z = 0 and jump to address 3 )

C            0 0 0  ( Not reachable but: Reset Z = 0 and jump to address 0 )

F            0         ( The I/O address )

I am sure you all got the above and can now program in SubLEq.

Where to Start?

The timing diagram. I can do this because I have a bit of an idea what the sub-system look like:

Lets put this into steps:

Timing Micro Code Clock

Don't be misled, although I present a linear process, it is still iterative. 


The ALU is fairly simple:

Subtract: B = B - A

Flag: !LEq

Therefore we need:

  • Load A: !ALU_LDA
  • Load B: !ALU_LDB
  • Read B - A: !ALU_OUT

And because of the type of control logic I am using:

  • Clock: CLK
  • Reset: RST

Here is my schematic:

Chip Count:

  • 2x 74HC173
  • 2x 74HC283
  • 1x 74HC04
  • 1x 74HC125 (the inverter and tri-state output buffers)

The  beauty of LogiSim is that you can test the sub-circuit before proceeding.

Program Counter

The program counter is perhaps the simplest sub-circuit to design. Note: the outputs PC0-3, these are for debuging LED display in the top level:

Note: the 74161 in the logi7400ic.circ library has the clock inverted. I have edited my version of the library.

Memory Address Register (MAR)

The idea behind the MAR is to load a value from memory and then use that value as an address to load an indirect memory value. Thus it is a form a indirect addressing.

Note: the MAR0-3 outputs are for debugging.


Output for SubLEq is a little tricky,...

Read more »


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  • Update to Input/Output Logic

    agp.cooper09/09/2021 at 04:17 0 comments

    Adding Input to the IO Sub-Circuit

    To add an input port I had to move the address out the output port and memory address to 0xE. The input port will use memory address 0xF but the memory select will be disabled:

    Here is the updated top level schematic:

    The binary counting program now reads the increment value for the input port upon start up. Therefore the input should be set before reset and run.

    Here is the program:

    Note: Line 9 (Jump 6) is redundant.

    Am I going to build this CPU

    No, the main purpose of the project was to learn LogiSim and to try out a CPU hardware control logic system.

    Fixed the logi7400ic.circ library for both the 74161 and 74173 now.


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agp.cooper wrote 04/04/2022 at 23:27 point

Thanks Michael,

Subleq is horrible - Don't do it!


A much more interesting and powerful and yet not yet finished, is my CHUMP V5.

Useful with only 4 bits!

It need a Load Effective Address (swap PC/ACC?) and Von Neumann architecture (self programmable, swap memory banks?).

Regards AlanX 

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Michael Möller wrote 04/04/2022 at 11:48 point

You may have re-awekend my SubLeq - in Real Hardware - project. A quick glance at your emulation shows you seem to have saved a clock cycle. I need 6 for normal, and 7 for branch.

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