
CAN bus Reduce the wires of your 3D printers

Reduce the wires from more than 19 to only 4

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PandaCAN is an extruder control board that connect to main board with CAN interface, more resistant to noise,reduce a lot of wires for your 3D printer.

Why CAN bus?
CAN(Controller Area Network) is a robust serial communication bus found mostly in automotive and industrial environments.

Resistant to noise, you will have less signal noise and wiring problem.

Reduce the wires from more than 19 to only 4.

19 = hotend cooling Fan: 2 + model cooling Fan: 2 + heater: 2 + temperature sensor: 2 + BLtouch: 5 + Extruder motor: 4+Runout sensor:2

High data rate 1Mbps.

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CAN extruder first printing.
printing test:

motor sync test:


Adobe Portable Document Format - 130.10 kB - 10/19/2021 at 02:31


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Daniel wrote 12/21/2021 at 20:21 point

I'm a bit surprised to see an ESP in there, are you planning to replace the CAN bus with WiFi? :D

But its a nice idea to reduce the number of wires. Had quite some trouble with broken wiring on prusa printers.

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mark wrote 12/22/2021 at 05:59 point

with wifi the biggest challenge is the E motor needs to sync data with all the X/Y axis. but it's no problem with bowden extruder printer that's no E motor on the Hotend,because you no need to sync temperature data in realtime.

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