
Custom Harley Davidson ECM Using Micro Controllers

Figure out how to and with what make a custome and tunable harley ECM

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So this project origionally started out and a way to hardware hack old discarded tuner and piggy back modules that are once connected to a motorcyle "forever" married to that nmotorcycle and can not be used on another motorcycle.... Unless that is you pay whatever company that charged you 500 dollars for the damn thing in the first place another 300 or more for another "Licence" to progran a idfferent motorcycle. Absolute BS. So the disection of the units led to through non existant forums and endless experimentation which eventually led me to the world of arduino. From there what was supposed to be a way to communicated with the tuner moduals and reset them eventually led to trying to communicate with the ECM units to write maps directly to them and then to discovering the Speeduino and Fuelino projects. Now I hope to create my own for Harley Davidson Motorcycles.

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