I've just seen this video here:
I watched it, wondering how Sol^2's experience could facilitate or improve on these features.
Align to build plate
To get closer to an intervention-free approach to slicing, similar to traditional 2D printing, I would like to make sure that
- parts can align wherever there's space
- parts are sorted among multiple build plates
- parts are sorted based on what material they are being printed with (single extruder)
Per model settings
I'm thinking of having some kind of "custom selection" feature, as seen in Fusion 360, where a user can choose what specific files are selected. By default, there would be something that says "All parts selected" when changing settings. Under that, there could be a button to change what is selected, choosing between a custom selection set and just selecting parts. Ideally, you'd be able to save a new custom selection for the latter.
Perhaps there would be a heirarchy system for the custom selection sets so that it's
- All parts selected / Main part settings / etc
- selection set
- selection set
- etc
- selection set
- selection set
Speaking of custom selections, I believe that custom visible settings would be useful. There could be the classic Beginner / Intermediate / Expert kind, as seen in Slic3r, some kind of one where the subcategories Most Used / Less Used / Seldom Used set, or Skin / Infill / Supports / Etc. This idea comes from the fact that there are a few Cura "experimental" features that have been there for a while now. A user may feel that it makes more sense to have a fresh new menu setup like:
- Quick settings
- Skin width
- Infill
- Adaptive Layer Height
- Detailed settings
- [expert settings menu tree]
I'm making a wireframe now, but currently, imagine it's a merge of Google widget/cards and the XBox 360 menu in the bottom 1/3 of the screen. There's square cards that can either be one or multiple settings, a button to another menu tree, or both. Things like the colour / background, edge type, etc should be adjustable so that I can use the same functionality to create different UI experiences.
Height range modifier
This is what gave me the idea to merge projects together, which I mentioned in the previous log.
Variable layer height
I like the analogue, paint-like control. An additional feature I'd add is the ability to average out, or specify a selection to have, the same layer height.
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