
UX/Feature Research

A project log for SecSavr Sol^2 [gd0045]

I've wanted to make a slicer since 2019. The SecSavr Suspense [gd0105] presented a solid reason.

kelvinakelvinA 04/10/2022 at 15:360 Comments

I've just seen this video here:

I watched it, wondering how Sol^2's experience could facilitate or improve on these features. 

Align to build plate

To get closer to an intervention-free approach to slicing, similar to traditional 2D printing, I would like to make sure that 

Per model settings

I'm thinking of having some kind of "custom selection" feature, as seen in Fusion 360, where a user can choose what specific files are selected. By default, there would be something that says "All parts selected" when changing settings. Under that, there could be a button to change what is selected, choosing between a custom selection set and just selecting parts. Ideally, you'd be able to save a new custom selection for the latter. 

Perhaps there would be a heirarchy system for the custom selection sets so that it's 

Speaking of custom selections, I believe that custom visible settings would be useful. There could be the classic Beginner / Intermediate / Expert kind, as seen in Slic3r, some kind of one where the subcategories  Most Used / Less Used / Seldom Used set, or Skin / Infill / Supports / Etc. This idea comes from the fact that there are a few Cura "experimental" features that have been there for a while now. A user may feel that it makes more sense to have a fresh new menu setup like:

I'm making a wireframe now, but currently, imagine it's a merge of Google widget/cards and the XBox 360 menu in the bottom 1/3 of the screen. There's square cards that can either be one or multiple settings, a button to another menu tree, or both. Things like the colour / background, edge type, etc should be adjustable so that I can use the same functionality to create different UI experiences.

Height range modifier

This is what gave me the idea to merge projects together, which I mentioned in the previous log. 

Variable layer height

I like the analogue, paint-like control. An additional feature I'd add is the ability to average out, or specify a selection to have, the same layer height.
