
DC30 Big Fucking Daft Punk Badge

Another Big Fucking Badge, this time inspired by the Random Access Memories Album Cover Art

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This is the start of the next project. This will focus more on the artistic qualities of the badge rather than the technical. It will of course boast a large number of RGB LEDs. It will basically be a glorified MP3 player with a few extra goodies. At least that's the plan right now.

So we are going a little more extravagant with the styling of the board this time. It will focus more on the artistic side of things than the technical side.

We will be striving to make the badge look good. Really good. But still functional.

So the functional stuff...

The goal is to make it a simple MP3 player that uses the mask part to display VUs and equalizer bars (and a bunch of Daft Punk helmet-related stuff). The badge will be able to play MP3s from an SD card and output the audio to a headphone jack, speakers, or bluetooth (hopefully).

One other possible addition, if we have time and cpu cycles, will be some kind of digitizing and mixing of a microphone input so the owner can sing along.

Planning to use the ESP32 for all the processing and controlling the LEDs. Using the good ol' ws2812b 2020s, 5ma version. And a pair of MAX98357A for the audio amps. Figuring out what speakers we want to use on the badge still. Should we assume most people won't expect to have good audio from built-in speakers and just use the bluetooth or headphones, or should we go for higher quality audio...

  • Uh, what did I forget?

    hexum06409/21/2022 at 21:58 0 comments

    There needs to be a record of this somewhere and that really probably include the github page for this but I thought I'd put it here too.

    This is info on some params that need to be changed to enable playing audio at different sample rates out bluetooth on the ESP32 (for the ESP-IDF).

    And yes, I still need to write up some more info, but here's the github link for the project incase I forgot:

  • More updates coming, I sware

    hexum06408/16/2022 at 01:29 0 comments

    I know, I know. I need to add some actual updates.

    For now, the best way we have found to ensure the mp3's are read by the badge is using audacity to convert the original audio flies to mp3s using:

    320 kbps

    48k sample rate

    constant bit rate

    This doesn't mean other options won't work, this is just what we have had the best luck with. It's easy enough to copy any mp3 onto the SD card and try it, right?


    Sometimes, if the batteries are running out, it might freeze, so it might not be an incompatible mp3.

  • Prototypes and SAOs

    hexum06407/26/2022 at 20:25 0 comments

    A few pics of the final prototype. Top one is with our shitty add-on!

  • Almost Code Complete

    hexum06405/29/2022 at 19:44 0 comments

    With a few features added and a few removed, the code is almost complete. Some hardware prototypes are too! Like the front panels and the back led panel. over 500 ws2812b-202s FTW!

    Anyway, with the code mostly complete (just a bit of refactoring and cleanup) and all the features fleshed out, it's time to work on the rest of the hardware design. Gotta get the layouts right. Also gotta figure out the power supplies. That's probably the last big challenge.

    Added a pick of one of the display modes.

    So a shot list of the features completed

    • SD Card interfaced
      • Includes card detect
    • MP3s decoding
      • Supports 48K and 44.1K decode (Actually that's more about what the Bluetooth supports)
    • Bluetooth out working
    • Bluetooth discovery mode working
    • Multiple visualizations on the front display
    • Separate side visualizations on front display
    • Volume selection by buttons
    • Song selection by buttons
    • Display mode selection by buttons
    • Pause/play by button
    • Built-in speaker output (stereo)
    • Output selection by button (BT vs I2S/speaker)
    • Status screen
      • Scrolls song path
      • Play time
      • Volume
      • Play mode
      • BT status
      • Display mode
    • Special Nyan Cat mode 

    Might add battery status

  • Test pieces in

    hexum06403/28/2022 at 03:02 0 comments

    Got the test pieces in for the front of the badge. Check out the pick. Beer for scale.

    The manufacturer didn't get the silk screen on the gold pieces for some reason.

  • First programming steps and some board design

    hexum06403/22/2022 at 03:30 0 comments

    Got the front boards, the plastic mask, and the LED board designed.

     So far so good. 

    Got it reading MP3s from the SD card and playing them through the amps. Sounds pretty good too.

    Not git repo yet. The projects are just too big (I'll explain later).

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bozzer91 wrote 08/19/2022 at 09:46 point

well this is cool :) next you should build this as a Mask ;) 

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hexum064 wrote 08/24/2022 at 03:44 point

That would be cool. 

Then the whole helmet

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