
Laser Tag

A laser tag gaming system with customizable weapons.

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This is going to be a long and ambitious project that involves making both a laser tag sensor and weapons that can change their colors and sounds based on the player's choices, as well as integrate with a website or app for more complex gameplay including things like hit points and spell effects.


  1. Sensors with a library of lighting and sound effects that will react differently to different weapons firing.
  2. Weapons that can change light and sound effects as the player chooses, so for example, a gun could be used as a projectile gun with gunshot sounds or a Star Wars blaster with light and pew pew sounds.
  3. Various weapons choices, including guns, magic wands, gloves, and swords.
  4. App/Website integration for more complex LARP like gameplay, with hit points, spell statuses, death counts, and more.
  5. Integration with a smart watch of some kind for ease of seeing the more complicated stats rather than having to look at a phone.
  6. Make it fun for makers, and affordable for everyone.

Current Hurdles:

  • I have no idea how to add sound in an efficient way, let alone a library of sounds.
  • Licensing gaming rules for existing games may prove challenging.
  • RFID readers all seem very large and not practical to include in the smaller weapons.


CircuitPython code for the Circuit Playground Bluefruit BASIC sensor. Not using BlueTooth or anything yet, just the reactions to IR shots.

plain - 2.52 kB - 09/08/2022 at 19:34


  • Basic Sensor (non-Bluetooth version)

    Melissa Matos09/08/2022 at 19:47 0 comments

    I am so excited I finally got this working exactly how I want. Well, at least for the basic version. I had a few requirements for this sensor for the basic functioning.

    • react to an IR pulse
    • have three modes - three hits, zombie, and one hit
    • react to a specific pulse so it would regenerate (go back to green)

    I chose to use the BlueFruit versions of the Circuit Playground rather than the Express version, even though the express version comes with an IR emitter and receiver. I want to have Bluetooth technology for the Plus version, and it's much easier to solder on an IR LED or sensor then attaching a Bluetooth module. But for this basic version it doesn't matter.

    The code for this version is in the files section. SENSOR PLAYGROUND.txt

    Once turned on the playground will react to being 'shot' by the IR remote using the three hits variation, where the neopixels turn red after three shots. Pressing the A button changes to a different mode, zombie, which changes the color of the neopixels. The idea is that there would be one or two zombies, and everyone else starts green. If a zombie shoots you, you turn into one, and have to go after the others. Zombies have to be 'double-tapped' to go red. The final version only takes one shot to go red, I thought it would be useful for capture the flag type situations, where one can return to a base to be returned to full health.

    Here's a video of it working! Any button counts as a shot.but the power button heals.

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