An acquaintant is an artist who paints delicate designs on small flat rocks. I saw her picking up this rock and I mentioned that I don't have an artist bone in me and wouldn't know what to do with it except skipping it on water. She put it in my hand and commanded me to create something artistic with it in a month. So this is my "rock art" project, artistic in the only way I know how.
I have a minimal Z80 design for CP/M called ZRCC. I can pare it down further to just Z80, RAM, oscillator, and CPLD and still run CP/M. Abbreviation of the 4 components is ZROC that pronounces "The Rock" ;-) ZROC will be mounted on that rock without any pc board just epoxy and wires.
This is all the artistry and humor I can muster so here we go with the engineering and construction of ZROC.
Does this rock yet? 😉