
9x Compound Gearbox

What would a homebrew/actobotics gearbox look like for a dynamic quad? Just wondering.

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Using a few machined pieces, and some off the shelf gears, could I build a drivetrain for a robot without having to buy one of those complete servo actuators? Why would I do this? I think they are 2/3 the price. You can either spend $5400 for ready to go actuators, or $3800 for something 95% as good. I think this is good if your robot is a "living document". Check my math on this, and let me know what you think.
  • 2 × 32 Pitch, 48 Tooth (.50" Bore) Aluminum Hub Gear 615190
  • 2 × 2 Pitch 16 Tooth (1/4) Bore 32P Shaft Mount Pinion Gear 615242
  • 1 × Set Screw Hub 0.500" (0.770") Set Screw Hub 545560
  • 1 × 1600 Series Non-Flanged Ball Bearing (1/2" ID x 3/4" OD, 5/32" Thickness) - 2 Pack 1600-0001-0500
  • 1 × 1601 Series Flanged Ball Bearing (1/4" ID x 1/2" OD, 3/16" Thickness) - 2 Pack 1601-0002-0250

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