
Coding with the ESP-IDF

A project log for HACKtablet: Crestron TSS-752 Teardown + Rebuild

Tearing down a Crestron display conference room controller, the second. And making it into a CircuitPython device.

kmatch98kmatch98 06/10/2022 at 20:460 Comments

Since my ultimate goal is to get this ESP32-S3 RGB display driving capability into CircuitPython, I’m tracking my progress in this CircuitPython issue on GitHub. I’ve made progress in understanding the ESP-IDF and now have some reasonable drawing speeds.  

 I’m working to better understand and document the capabilities of the ESP-IDF for drawing bitmaps to the screen. To achieve this I had to hack the `draw_bitmap` function provided by the IDF to eliminate some unnecessary steps that significantly limit the frame rate. Primarily, I observe that the `lcd_ll_start` command needs only to be run in initialization. Subsequent updates to the display framebuffer can then proceed without additional calls to `lcd_ll_start`. More documentation to come in the issue referenced above. 
