
Remote Controlled LED array for microphone

I want to build a small array of LEDs to fit around amicrophone that I can wirelessly control via fingertip contacts.

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I want to build a small ring of small LED lights, powered by a very small battery array (like 2032s). I want it to fit around the shaft of a hand held microphone. The batteries only need to last 3 hrs. Also, I would like to design a glove for my free hand. On the glove, each of my four finger tips would complete a circuit with my thumb. When I choose a different finger to complete the thumb circuit, a different pattern for the LEDs would illuminate. Ideally, the light array and the glove controller would be separate and each would be self-contained. So, the circuit on the glove would wirelessly control the lighting patterns on the mic array.

I have done lots of soldering from kits, and I'm pretty handy in general, but I don't know where to start from an electronics perspective. Can y'all give me a quick overview of what it would take? I'm not sure which types of components I'd need.

Let me know if I need to clarify anything here...

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