
Hacking a jack in the box

I modified a jack in the box with some new surprises

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The ol' jack in the box...everyone knows how they work. It's not really much of a surprise any more. So I thought why not add some new surprises to this tired old toy?

See the video below for my hacking/build project!

The challenge: this project focuses on bringing new life to the old toy that most everyone is familiar with.

So how exactly do you make a jack in the box "better"? Most people know what to expect, so they aren't surprised. But, if I change up what they think they know will happen - that brings the joy back to this toy!

I started out with an older jack in the box, but the song sounded awful and the release latch on the door wasn't great. So I bought a more modern one. I used an arduino and limit switch to monitor the state of the door. Inside I have a custom made compressed air chamber for the glitter/confetti. And finally, there's an air horn!

Here's a diagram of the basic layout of internals:

  • 1 × Arduino nano
  • 1 × 12v solenoid valve
  • 1 × Air horn
  • 1 × Jack in the box
  • 1 × 12v relay

View all 6 components

  • Air horn 2.0

    Franklinstein07/21/2022 at 14:04 0 comments

    The air horn on this project was fun, but I think it could be simplified a lot. This horn takes up a lot of space and is complicated. I think I could use a small electric siren/alarm to replace it with.

  • Confetti blaster 2.0

    Franklinstein07/21/2022 at 13:55 0 comments

    I ran into a lot of issues with the confetti blaster. You have to pump it up right before it's used, it's large and it's overly complicated. I think for version 2.0, I'd used something mechanical to increase reliability and save a lot of space.

View all 2 project logs

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